this is not a blog about hiphop. the "Wu Tang" reference is a personal joke... an inside joke between me and a few people. but it captures what this is about.
regaining my life. starting over.
the saga continues.
so here's the setup: my good friend of 12 years now (damn.. 12 fuggin years?!) and i have a wager going. we have 90 days to lose as much weight as possible. the person who loses more weight, in excess of 30lb, wins. the wager is a respectable $300. so each of us puts $300 in the pot.
we are both obese (i moreso than she), so losing 30lb seemed like a realistic goal in 3 months, yes?
we also decided not to include anyone else in the wager. BUT, we both decided to start blogs for our endeavor. so every day... or however often we both agree on (i'll be calling her in a few hours), we blog about our day, what we ate... it's kinda like a bloggersation: a conversation between two blogs.
so there ya have it. this should be fun. or at least, mildly lucrative. because oh yes, i WILL be kickin that ass in the next 90 days.