Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little At A Time, I Said

okay, small victory: i bought a scale. here's the thing about scales: when you're obese like me (damn, it's weird to say that out loud), it's hard to find a scale that is calibrated for extreme weights. i used to use my doctor visits (yeah, all 3 of them per year) as an excuse to use the scale at the doc's office. it was the only way i knew how to get a semi-accurate weight reading.

well, i bought my own fatgirl scale online (more on that in another post; great site though). yet another site i found for obese people.

i went to the post office today and picked up my package. damn near ran over a squirrel trying to get back to my place so i could test it out. wow. a scale. at home.

i weighed myself. i didn't like what i saw, but i wasn't surprised. i was prepared. but i'll be doggone if i didn't feel empowered by it. dead serious. knowledge truly is power. it truly is. so just having a tool in my house with which i can objectively measure my progress - or lack of the same, if i slack off - is empowering. before, i'd have to rely on the eyeball method. 'i think i lost weight; these pants do feel a wee bit looser...' but now, NOW i have a machine that'll tell me, straight up. awesome.

the goal is to lose 7 or 8 by next friday. let's GO.

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